Guilt Free Boiled Aloo Fry( Spicy n Crispy Potato Fry )

I usually serve this Spicy And Crispy Aloo Fry as Appetizer and this is my husbands favourite dish. He can finish the whole bowl just like some snack. His grandma told me 'You need not cook any fancy dinner for my grandson, just some aloo fry and plain rasam would be more than enough. Do please learn these recipes'. I still remember and its true to every word even now. Before, i used to fry raw aloo in oil and it used to take so much time. Later i thought why not boil or microwave aloo(potato) and then fry in the oil. This one became a hit and he likes it very much. Potato fry and Tomato pappu are his all time favourites. My mom told me about "Bandar vepudu" which is done in a similar fashion. In bandar vepudu you should boil the potatoes with some tamarind and fry the potatoes with the peel on. And i instead add amchur( dried mango powder ) to get that sour effect of tamarind. I think it is acceptable!

My husbands favorite combo(Tomato Pappu And Aloo Fry )!

Looking for the above Tomato Pappu( Tomato Dal ) recipe? Click here!
I use red potatoes(boiling potatoes) for this dish, since i need to boil them first otherwise they would fall apart. If i am frying directly i would like to use Idaho potatoes. But back home i never knew the difference between boiling and baking potatoes. Just relish whatever my mom cooks hehehe!

You need:

  • 2 - 3 large red potatoes or 6 small red potatoes
  • 1 tbsp red chilli powder
  • 1/2 - 1 tbsp amchur powder( dry mango powder )
  • 4-5 tbsp oil
  • Salt to taste
Boiled and cubed potatoes ready for oil bath

How to:
  • First boil the potatoes. I cook in the microwave with potatoes in a microwave safe bowl covered with some water. I remember how long it used to take when cooked in pressure pan, and with the use of microwave boiling potatoes is no more time consuming and hard. Coudnt make it any easier!
  • You can boil the potatoes even the day before and save it in the refrigerator.
  • Let the boiled potatoes cool to room temperature
  • Heat oil in kadai or flat bottomed pan
  • Chop the potatoes into 1 inch cubes
  • Fry these potatoes until golden brown
  • Place these potatoes as just one layer and fry without stirring occasionally and then on the other sides. If you stir them often they are gonna fall apart. Just leave them undisturbed until they get golden brown on one side and repeat same thing on other sides.
  • Drain them on paper towels
  • Optional: You can fry 10 curry leaves in the same oil and mix with the potatoes
  • Add red chilli powder, amchur powder and salt
  • Adjust spices and salt to taste.

Ahh! Bon Appetit!!

This fry is simple yet very spicy, Crispy and yummy. You can have this as appetizerwith tooth pick on each one or serve with hot rice or pulka, chapathi or roti. The sourness from amchur powder takes the very basic and simple aloo fry to the next level.
This is my entry to Whats Your favorite Diet Food. Since i am boiling first and then sauteeing in oil, it takes very less time to brown unlike deep frying the raw potato. This itself cuts the fat by more than half( once in a blue moon we do count for the fat and calories ). I make this one when my husband asks for potato fry and he will finish even before eating with rice. You wouldnt even know the difference and i myself like this way better than complete deep frying.

You can cook the whole potatoes if they were small or cut into half. Place them in microwave safe bowl with half cup of water and cook them covered for 5 min. Now check for doneness and turn them on the other side and cook for 2 more min. Let the potatoes cool and peel the skin off. You can even store them in the fridge for 2 days and these come very handy.

I boil the potatoes using microwave, alternatively sometimes i just rub some oil on the potatoes and add salt , red chilli powder and microwave for 1 more min. Tada spicy potatoes are done. Serve these potatoes as appetizer and hence this is my recipe for EASY MICROWAVE COOKING EVENT hosted by Srivalli.

Tags: Aloo fry, Alugadda fry, bandar vepudu, Bangala dumpa vepudu, Spicy Potato Fry, Urlagadda vepudu


  1. Yumm they looks so crisp. If i had the plate i would also eat the whole plate of those crispy potato fry.

  2. Luvly combo. I love the thickness of the curry. Will you be posting a recipe for that awesome looking tomato pappu soon ?

  3. Yes Happy Cook, we do the same have it as appetizer.

    Hi Zlamushka, i have already posted the recipe for tomato pappu. Click here for the recipe

    Thanks gusy for stopping by!

  4. Hey Kalva,
    Did you re-post this recipe? I think I have seen it earlier on your blog. If not, I must be imagining things;-)

  5. Wow - those potatoes! If that is diet food, I am on a diet from today, looks so delish.

  6. Hi tbc,
    Sorry i might have confused you. i posted the picture along with my tamato pappu, but havent had had chance to post the recipe. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hey Bangaldumpa vepudu and rasam is my quick fix meals when I dont have time/veggies handy...

  8. wow..I dint know of boiling the potatoes and then frying. I fry raw ones.! Good to know this way! will try it for sure:)

  9. Feeling hungry again ..:).. love the potatoes.. nice entry..

  10. kalva, I love dumppala vepudu with yogurt rice a good and comfy combo any time. Pic looks very nice

  11. Looks nice n crispy...Boiling the potatoes is a good idea...

  12. Looks really really delicious...Potato is looking very tempting..Thanx for the recipe..!

  13. Mmm ... potatoes! *so* good!

  14. gr8 combination. my all time favorite. will try ur fry soon.

  15. Potato fry looks mouthwatering!!

  16. hey, thats my fav too:) microwave cooking series is teaching new cooking methods for sure:)

  17. Thanks for the lovely entry...they look so crispy!

  18. are you from bandary....machilipatnam? i am from there too
    venkata v.
    next time you try this aloo fry:
    cut sour potatoes into half-inch pieces. fry in oil in a kadhai. when they are half done, add 2 onions, similarly cut in one-inch pieces. once the onions are lightly fried, add salt. separtely, crush 10 dry red chillies and a teaspoon of cumin...coarsely. add this to the kadhai on a sim flame. serve hot with rice.

  19. Thanks Venkata.. i will try your aloo recipe soon...and No, i am not from Bandar...

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