
Have you ever googled up for a site, which would be a one stop place for all the information you need in your area? Here's is one, AroundMe that i have found very useful. Though i do a lot of home-cooking, if we are planning to go out for shopping that day i would like to look up for a best restaurant in town beforehand to avoid any bad experiences( Trust me, i have had really really bad experiences when trying a new restaurant ).

AroundMe comes to my rescue, this site not only has a list of restaurants in your area, but also has reviews from people like us. They even have a big list of dentists, lawyers,doctors, banks, plumbers, dry cleaners, realtors etc., in your area.  I love their 'how to' guides and city guides which help me in my local buying activities and decisions. I can even log in with my Facebook account, this way whenever my friends have reviewed a restaurant i can see those reviews right away! Isn't this feature nice. So if you are like me, this one is definitely helpful to you.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome one.. thanks for sharing with all of us.


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