Zesty Avocado Tomato And Lime Salad

Who wouldn't love a simple zesty salad packed with nutrients and bursting with flavor.. Here is one such simple avocado tomato and lime salad to replace those salads with creamy fatty dressings.. My secret is to use simple ingredients like lots of lime, mint and cilantro to substitute the guilty dressings. You do the math on the amount of fat in this light and healthy salad.

You need:
  • 1 half ripened avocado
  • 1 vine ripened tomato
  • 1 lime
  • cilantro
  • fresh mint
  • 1/4 chopped onion
  • 1 jalapeno

How to:
  • Chop up a ripe and firm tomato
  • Use either a ed or yellow onions( red onions would be great )
  • You can either use a whole jalapeno or half of it . chop it very fine(you can even remove the seeds to avoid heat)
  • Chop up cilantro and mint( you can even tear for that earthy look )
  • Spoon out avacado from the peel and chop into chunks, toss them with lime juice right away to stop discoloration
  • Mix all the above ingredients dress up with some fresh lime juice, salt and pepper..
Yep its that simple.., relish this Zesty and chunky Avocado Tomato and Lime salad right away...!

My Avocado salad is on its way to:


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    wow simple salad.. love the pictures

  2. I love salads like these! The chunks of avocado look divine.

    Thanks for participating in WHB!

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Chunky Avocados has the best texture and flavor. Like the simple dressing you used

  4. Great salad.The lime on Avacado is great combination. I add some fresh ground pepper and cumin to it.

  5. The salad looks yumm!

  6. Anonymous9:16 PM

    ...please where can I buy a unicorn?

  7. Thats a lovely salad!Thanks for sending it across for the event.

  8. I tried this out...YUM..thanks for a GREAT recipe..

  9. That's simple, but has some of my favorite flavors... Looks awesome!


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