Alasandala Guggillu -- Seasoned Spicy Black Eyed Peas

Black Eyed Peas aka Alasandulu in Telugu are a very good source of Calcium, Protein, Fiber and Folate. Not to mention the Vitamin A found abundant in all lentils and beans.Since folic acid is very essential to pregnant women having a cup of cooked beans at least 3 times a week is a very delicious way to incorporate folate in their diet. Alasandalu / black eyed peas are one of the beans which doesn't require overnight soaking and pre planning. You can either directly pressure cook or soak for couple of hours and then cook. My mom usually makes different kinds of Chundal(Sundal, Usili ) i.e., seasoned beans as they are very good healthy alternative to any fried snacks like chips, pakora etc., These tempered black eyed peas / alasandula guggillu( SUNDAL ) are usually what my dad loves to eat in the evenings. This recipe is directly from moms kitchen!

  • 1 cup Black eyed peas / Alasandalu / Bobbarlu
  • 1 small onion
  • 2-3 green chillies
  • 1 lemon

For seasoning(
Tadka / popu ):
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp minapappu / urad dal
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 5-10 curry leaves

  • Soak black eyed peas/alasandalu for 1-2 hrs and then pressure cook with 2 cups of water( Until the beans are immersed in water )
  • Pressure cook for 4 whistles or boil separately until they are cooked and tender( make sure they don't fall apart )
  • Drain off the cooked beans ( Preserve the water , ill tell you a sumptuous way of using the liquid )
  • In a saute pan heat oil, add cumin seeds, mustard seeds and urad dal. Once they start to splutter add chopped onions and green chillies along with salt.
  • Once the onions are cooked to translucent add the cooked peas and mix together.
  • Switch off the heat, add lemon juice and finish it off with cilantro.

This healthy protein and fiber rich low fat snack tastes good when its steaming hot. You can wrap this tempered black eyed peas in a
chapathi or wheat tortilla along with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers for a complete sumptuous low fat healthy nutritious meal perfect anytime of the day!

Don't throw the leftover water from the drained cooked black eyed peas. Mom makes Rasam(Soup) with some tomatoes, tamarind(optional) and any rasam powder with tadka or above tempering. This soup/rasam taste so earthy .. Try it to believe it!!! I'm sure you will love it!!

I love garnishing my food even if its just some cilantro on the top as i believe we taste the food with our eyes first and then palette. The food should not only be delicious but should be like a feast to your eyes. Garnishing with simple ingredients like curry leaves, cilantro, a slice of lemon, green chillies or red chillies adds so much depth to your dish. The main point is to highlight the ingredient you used. Here i used curry leaves ans lemon slice to hint the viewer about the ingredients inside the dish.

This will be my entry for:


  1. How absolutely delicious! I would not have thought to use lemon - a beautiful touch!

    Thanks for your MLLA8 recipe, Kalva!

  2. Thanks Susan, yes adding lemon adds that refreshing taste and slight tartness which compliments well with the black eyed peas

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I have a whole bag of black eyed peas that need to be used. Thanks for the recipe. This will work just perfect!

  4. Hi Money Funk, lemme know if you liked the recipe

  5. I have to stop buying the canned stuff atleast to make guggillu, they simply don't do justice to it. We call them sundal at home and its one of my favorites.

  6. 1Beautiful picture


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