Holy Moly Chunky Spicy Guacamole -- A Perfect Low Fat Healthy Appetizer

Avocado, a fleshy fruit that's rich in heart healthy fats is available here( US ) almost all through the year. I came to know that avocado is nicknamed the “alligator pear” because of its shape and leathery skin. These avocados are packed with healthy mono saturated fats that help in reducing the LDL cholesterol levels and potassium in them reduces the risk of cancer. You can eat these avocados right off the branch, whip up some guacamole or just chop them up in salads.

While i was in India i have never heard of this fabulous fruit and the very first bite was very unusual as i was wondering how could a vegetable( or fruit ) could be this creamy, almost as soft as butter. There are two types of avocados, one is a Hass avocado with black hard rugged skin and the other one thin skinned green Fuerte. I found Hass avocados more creamier than the Green Fuertes.

My coworker, when she was pregnant she used to eat the whole avocado just like a fruit every morning along with her breakfast. She asked me to try a piece and let me tell you it was very creamy,lightly sweet and delicious ( until then i ha vent had an avocado directly except for the guacamole ).. In the very next visit to the farmers market i looked for these fruits and couldn't wait to experiment them in salads and dips.. My chunky and spicy guacamole is a perfect healthy dip for those hearty chips, So guys bring on those chips sitting in the pantry!!!

Ingredients you need:
  • 2 Hass avocados( ripe but not too soft, press these avocados with a finger and if these make a dent they are too ripened, i would like to use them a day before that )
  • 1/2 small red onion( only red onion, no yellow or white please )
  • 1-2 green chillies
  • 1 Roma tomato
  • 1-2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice( or lemon )
  • 1 tsp lime or lemon rind
  • half a bunch of coriander( cilantro ) leaves
  • 10-15 fresh mint leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste

How to make spicy chunky guacamole...
  • Cut avocados in half, remove pit and scoop flesh out of shell with a spoon. Chop up the avocado into 1 inch bites and coat them with half lime/lemon juice, as this prevents from discoloration
  • Chop green chillies, tomatoes and onions very finely
  • In a large bowl add avocado and mash very little with a fork and then add tomato,green chillies, onions, black pepper and the rest of the lemon/lime juice
  • Add chopped cilantro and mint leaves
  • Mix in salt just before serving
For a pretty presentation , place some corn chips on a serving plate and top it off with a dollop of this chunky and spicy guacamole, liven it up with some cilantro on top and freshen up with some lime peel... Always check for flavorings before you finish and do adjust the seasonings according to your taste.

This recipe is on its way to :

Note: Guacamole doesnt keep well, so make it at the last moment just before serving..

Tags: Dips, Appetizers, Guacamole, Avacodo, Lime, lemon, Mint, cilantro


  1. I love avovado and this spicu Gucamole looks delicous.
    It is indeed good for a party

  2. I agree, Haas is the best, Guacamole looks yum and fat free! Avocados have good kinda fat. YAY!:))
    Arvind says we do have Avocado trees in India, grow in estates but nobody knows how to use the fruits, so we don't bother with them!What a loss!

  3. Avacado is is simply delicious, smooth, buttery, etc. It's hard not to eat them all the same day I buy them. Love the guacamole!

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Lovely guacamole. Its almost like I make it (and we do get avocados in India now!)

  5. Your guacamole looks so fresh and yummy !

  6. looks delicious..nice picture

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  8. thankyou kalva for participating! Simple love the gaucamole

  9. Yes Happy cook its so easy to make Guacamole...

    Wow Asha, really you guys have trees in India!! Hmm may be you should let them know how to eat them!!

  10. Hi Vb,
    Havent tried avacado in cookingthough, would explore to cook avacado.. Thanks for stopping by

    Simran i dint know that they do sell avocados in India... I will ask my mom to look for it..

  11. Thanks DelhiBelle, Sowmya, Dee and rkShistu for stopping by,.

  12. Avocado's are awesome! I can eat them like crazy, alone or made into something. Their flavor is made so good by adding lime. The guacamole looks delicious :)

  13. I have never tried avacado without any seasonings...we do have avacados in India. My FIL says, when he was a kid, they would sprinkle sugar on them and have it.

  14. Nice entry... have something for u in my blog.. check out!

  15. gonna try this for the next party! Seems easy to make..!

  16. Thanks for the award Shubha.. love it!!!

  17. Meeso you can even the lemon zest and it enchances the flavor a lot...

    Wow Shankari you guys have a plant in india, you must be lucky!!!

  18. Yes Payal its takes no time to whip up this Guacamole, but make sure to make just before the party starts...

  19. thanks for commenting ...u too have a amazing blog..ur snack looks soo crunchy and delicious...its good for the startes during parties...

  20. thxs for your low fat receipe... looks yummy ....great entry....

  21. Love guacamole..But havent tried at home..Thanks for the recipe

  22. Thats a yummy Guacamole & great with chips! Perfect appetizer...

  23. Anonymous12:00 PM

    We would like to feature this recipe on our blog. Please email sophiekiblogger@gmail.com if interested. Thanks :)

  24. love avacados, gucamole looks yum.


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