Ever wondered whats inside a vibrant POTATO with the PURPLE skin??? --- Mixed Vegetable Indian Stir Fry

When i brought these purple potatoes home, i was surprised to see the bright purple flesh inside, since i was expecting it to be similar to red potatoes, wherein only the peel is red. I found these bright and firm petite potatoes in a local farmers market intriguing and couldn't stop buying some. The other day i was telling my mom about the array of potatoes you find here in US like the red potatoes, russet potatoes, Yukon gold potatoes, baby red potatoes, fingerlings, blue potatoes and these purple potatoes. It was very interesting cooking these Purple Peruvian Potatoes as they were creamy in texture and did hold their shape when cooked .., and the best part they cooked to perfection in no time... I made a simple vegetable saute with purple potatoes, tender beans, crisp green pepper, fresh cauliflower, firm tomatoes along with some ginger and garlic. I can call this one a super healthy dish with less fat, lots of fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium etc .. This curry recipe will be going to Eat Healthy - Fiber Rich hosted by Sangeeth

Ingredients you need:
  • 3 small petite purple potatoes
  • 10-15 petite beans cut into 1 inch pieces
  • A small handful of cauliflower bunch
  • 1 small red onion
  • 2 small firm tomatoes
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 red pepper( optional )
  • some frozen or fresh green peas ( option, i didn't add them though )
  • 2 tsp coriander power
  • 1 tsp cumin powder
  • a pinch of garam masala( optional )
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 3-4 green chillies to your taste
  • coriander and mint for garnish

Tadka or tempuring:
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds( aavalu )
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds( jeelakarra )
  • 10 curry leaves
  • a pinch of turmeric
  • Wash and drain all the veggies, except tomato( Wash before chopping )
  • Heat oil in a kadai, wok or nonstick pan and add onions, green chillies, potatoes, green beans, cauliflower in order
  • After 2 mins add cut green pepper and cook with lid half covered
  • Now add the chopped tomatoes and cook without the lid, make sure the tomatoes are still firm and not mushy
  • Add salt, cumin and coriander powders. Alternatively you can add curry powder
  • Switch off the flame add coriander and mint.
  • Do adjust salt and spice to taste..

This Mixed Vegetable Curry curry tasted great both with rice and chapathis and the potatoes stayed purple once cooked, but not as vibrant as when raw. This dish is a dry curry and all the veggies should be crisp and not fully cooked.. The idea is to keep the flavor, texture and crunch of the veggies. There is no hard and fast rule as which vegetables to use, anything that can hold its shape when cooked can be added...

Tags: Purple Potato, Mixed Vegetable, Purple Peruvian, Mixed Vegetable Curry


  1. Here too we get a array of potatoes.
    I have to admit i still have not bought the purple one.
    This dish looks so good.

  2. This looks really great. What colors!

  3. I can't wait to get some purple potatoes at the farmer's market... this picture looks so delicious!

  4. what a pretty jewel-like dish!
    I was recently looking at a Potato cookbook, and it looks like potatoes were brought to India by the portugese. Of all the different varieties listed in the book only one was listed as being grown in India - (the yellow/golden kind we know as 'potato' :) )
    I don't know if it is the soil/climate/pest-resilience that makes only one kind of potato viable.

  5. is that a great picture or what! i loved the first pic....i admire to daring attitude, i wud've been wary of those potatoes :-)

  6. Hi Happy cook, I just knew that there are blue potatoes and whole red potatoes, where the inside flesh is also red unlike the regular red potatoes.. Hope u would get some now!!

  7. Hi Vb, yes it tasted great tooo!!!

  8. Hi Annapoorna, thats true i wonder always if we have these varieties of potatoes available in India.. It took some time for me to know which potato to use for boiling, frying and baking,,, I remember cooking Cabbage Aloo curry and i used the regualr russet/idaho potatoes and guess what the curry turned to be a big flop as the potatoes werent able to hold its shape and they fell apart.. then started my quench to know more about these cuties...

  9. Hi JZ,
    Thanks for stopping by, i was so curious to taste these babies and see if the vivid purple color changes when these potatoes cooked.. And i must say they tasted great and would love to explore other varieties of potatoes available.

  10. Thanks Meeso,, loved those purple potatoes

  11. The potato looks awesome... I still havent been to a farmer's market... where as I am in US from the past 1 and half years.. hmmm Shame on me.. I am missing on so many varieties....hmmm...

  12. purple potato,..new one forme,..thanks fro sharin,..

  13. Yeah, I saw those too in the super market. Once I tried the purple Cabbage, while dish turned a bright purple!:D
    Dish looks good Kalva!:))

  14. Hi Shubha, checked your site.. interestingg i have a gujarati frind and she made dabeli... i really liked it.. Will check your site for ur gujarathi stuff for sure..

  15. even i bought these purple potatoes ones..but the taste wasnt different from normal ones..except more expensive.:).ur stir fry looks really good..yummm..

  16. Purple potatoes?!! I think I need to keep my eyes open and see if we get these here too!

  17. Hi Asha, never tried purple cabbage.., would get some next time...

  18. Hi Ranji i found these purple potatoes interesting, couldnt stop cooking them

  19. looks beautifulll

  20. Purple potatoes look gr8...wonderful colors..

  21. wonderful and colourful....lovely entry thanks....

  22. Very interesting,have never tried potatoes of this color..........

  23. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I've only had purple potatoes in a bag of chips. Wish we could get them here

  24. Thanks for visiting my blog Kalva.

    Purple potato is new to me too. I've not seen here around. Does it have a different taste? This curry looks awesome. I'll try it soon, maybe without the purple potatoes.

  25. Hi Madhuram,
    Yes you could always substitute these purple potatoes with regular good old red potatoes( make sure you use only red ones as they would hold their shape when cooked )..


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