Healthy Raagi Dosa / Ragi Attu ( Finger Millet Thin Crepes )

Raagi aka Finger millet is very nutritious whole grain and has been used for ages for its calcium abundance. I remember having raagi dosa long back as a kid when my grandma used to make these dosas( crepes ) exclusively for my grand father who was a diabetic. I still remember how much he used to love these dosas for its color, texture and never forget the earthy aroma. At first the color wasn't appetizing for me( as a kid ) but after the first bite i had fallen in love with the dosa instantly. Whenever i crave for something healthy and quick food, i opt in for these raagi dosas. So easy to make and so yummy in taste. I usually keep these raagi flour in store always ( preferably i will store in the refrigerator ). My sister made these and sent the pictures.. Thanks akka..

  • 2 cups raagi flour
  • 1/2 - 1/3 cup rice flour( for crispy thin dosas ) -- depends on the rice flour quality
  • 1/2 - 1 cup thin buttermilk( sour buttermilk would be better ) or 1/3 cup beaten curd or yogurt
  • 1 tsp jeera( cumin seeds )
  • 1 onion chopped finely
  • bunch of coriander leaves chopped finely
  • 5 green chillies
  • 10 curry leaves
  • oil as required
  • salt to taste

  • Mix the dry ingredients raagi flour, rice flour and salt into a bowl
  • Add buttermilk and mix together
  • You will need to mix in water to bring into little thicker consistency than ravva dosa batter
  • Toss in onions, green chillies, curry leaves and coriander
  • Mix thoroughly and set aside for 15 - 30 mins( optional )
  • Heat griddle until sizzling hot and sprinkle some water
  • Pour the dosa batter just like ravva dosa, you need not spread it out
  • Add few drops of oil onto the edges and cook on both sides
  • Transfer to a plate and relish it while hot with coconut chutney or onion chutney.

buttermilk to the batter brings in that sourness that complements the subtle taste of raagi flour. These raagi dosas light, crispy and packed with full of flavor from the herbs( coriander, jeera and curry leaves ) the crunch from onions and the spice from green chillies. These Finger millet dosas make a perfect sumptuous healthy breakfast any time of the year! I would usually make these dosas a lot when friends or guests drop in all of a sudden. And the best compliments are just one of these dosas away!!!

These pictures will be going to CLICK: FLOUR hosted by Jai and Bee of Jugalbandi..

This will be my entry for Weekend Breakfast Blogging – Healthy Eats hosted by Suganya of Tasty Palettes.

Recipe Source: Nanamma( Paternal Grand Mother )


  1. Ragi dose is a classic dosas in K'taka, I love the taste too. Good one Kalva!:)

  2. The dosa looks very crispy and tempting :)

  3. Buttermilk in ragi dosa is perfect. In addition to the tang, they also make dosas light. Thanks for the entry, Kalva.

  4. Dosas look crispy and choclate-like color makes them droolicious and its v healthy food too.

  5. Oh really Asha, its famous in Karnataka too...

  6. Thanks Cham yes these dosas were a delight!! And the best part they are far healthier than Plain Dosa...

  7. Thanks Suganya fo hosting such a wonderful event.. Yes buttermilk makes them light and tangy.. Another healthy addition to the already nutritious raagi flour

  8. Kalva, Wow crisp raagi dosas. I make raagi dosa in a different way. Yours seems to be an instant method. Next time I will follow ur method. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Ragi Dosa..sound good..i will try this very soon...Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  10. sounds healthy indeed Kalva!:)

  11. wow, the dosa looks so yummy and healthy too!

  12. Lovely Raagi dosa! It real healthy & good for Breakfast too.. great entry!

  13. crisp n yum packed with goodness! A perfect entry Kalva. I love ragi dose and idli too.

  14. Thanks Pooja , yes they were really tasty...

  15. Jayasree i have always had raagi dosas this way, i would love to know how you would do,, may be you soak the raagi and then grind??

  16. Hi Trupti yes the raagi dosas are very easy and quick...

    Hi Mansi they were really healthy and took very less oil unlike ragi dosa too..

  17. Thans Uma, Lg and Seema for stopping by and leaving wonderful comemnts!!

  18. very crispy dose...nice pics

  19. Kalva...those are some lovely pictures!...raagi dosa is all time fav!

  20. delicous dosa...i have some ragi flour and was thinking how to finish it i know:)..thanks

  21. I tried this and it came out great!! loved it.. thanks

  22. Hi, I tried this dosa it came out really good and I have blogged it too. (

    Thank you for the recipe. You have explained it very nicely.

    Keep it up.

  23. Anonymous10:40 AM


    Ragi attu came out so good. Very delicious and taste fantastic. I loved all the recipes in your site. Always i keep wondering to try some new in veggi dishes. There are so many recipes in your site and i would like to try.

    Thanks and best wishes,
    Ragi ( my name first four letters ;))

  24. Anonymous9:07 AM

    It was rather interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.

  25. Today i tried your ragi dosa receipe . It came out well . We all liked it. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Swetha1:04 PM

    Hey thanks for the recipe. I tried this version of Ragi dosa yesterday and it came out very tasty. All the ingredients blend really well. We loved it. I'm glad I didn't have to use grated coconut in here! Completely healthy meal. This is a keeper.

  27. I wanna to make healthy raagi dosa.Thanks for sharing interesting recipe..

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