Recharge with Ridge Gourd( Beerakaya Kandi Pappu kura )

Ridge Gourd called Beerakaya in telugu and Turia in hindi and Peerkangai in tamil is a popular veggie in India. It is basically from the Cucurbit family ( gourds family ) like chayote, cucumber, squash etc.,. It looks rugged and strong from outside, but the inside is spongy and neither too moist like cucumber nor too dry like squash. This veggie tastes very mild, sweet and never boring. you can saute with garlic and onion or cook with tomatoes for a robust side dish. Recharge your favorite dal or vegetable curry by swapping out any squash for ridge gourd. Ridge gourd is a virtual factory of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Zinc, Thiamin, Iron, Magnesium and Manganese. This veggie is also low in saturated fat and cholestrol.

To tell the truth when i was a kid i never liked this vegetable and used to make faces when my mom tried to give us this because of its goodness . Also she used to say that it cools the body heat( vedi thaggisthundi ) in many folds. I remember she used to save all those peels and make chutney the same day. Yes the peel is full of fiber and the chutney tasted great( no complaints for the chutney though!). I started to love this vegetable only after coming to US( since indian grocery was too far then i hardly had chance to cook them ) .I usually make beerakai thellagadda neyyi talimpu( ridge gourd sauteed with ghee and garlic ), beerakai pappu( ridge gourd with lentils ), beerakai pulusu koora( ridgegourd in tamarind sauce ), beerakaya pachadi( ridge gourd chutney ), beerakai pottu kura( ridge gourd peel curry ), beerakaya pottu pachadi( ridge gourd peel chutney ). My sister is the best cook i know of after my mom and this recipe is actually from her! She cooks in authentic andhra style and that too she does everything in a gif! Kudos to my sweet sister!

The following recipe calls for Toor dal ( lentils ) spiced with green chillies and tamarind for the sourness. This dish is so simple yet quickly adds up to good health and great taste. Look for sharp ridges and when pressed your nail should be able to easily slip into the gourd which says they are tender and ready to be cooked, unlike the mature ones which are used to make Loofahs.

Coming to the recipe, you need:
1 arm sized ridge gourd peeled and chopped into 1 inch squares
1 big onion chopped 1 inch pieces
8-10 green chillies cut length wise
4-5 garlic pods( crushed )
1 cup Red gram( toor dal/ tuwar dal/ kandi pappu)
2 tomatoes
lemon sized tamarind
2 cups water

For tempuring or tadka
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds
dash of hing
a pinch of turmeric
10 curry leaves
2 tbsp oil

Peel the ridge gourd( save the peels for the chutney ) and chop into pieces
In a dry pan add some ghee/ butter and fry the washed and dried toor dal. Frying the dal gives unique texture, flavor and sweet aroma to the dish.
In a pressure pan, add oil, and do popu or tadka
Once the seeds start to dance around, add curry leaves, hing and turmeric
Add the garlic, onions, green chillies and saute for a min.Now add tomato and ridge gourd pieces( beerakaya mukkalu ) and saute for a min.

Add the cleaned and soaked toor dal, soaked tamarind, water and pressure cook for 2-3 whistles( takes anytime between 5-10 min ). Or you can cook seperately until the toor dal falls apart.

Remove the weight and cook for 5 more min. Add coriander just before serving
Adjust salt to taste

Serve this beerakaya pappu aka ridge gourd and lentils curry with steamed rice, chapathis, rotis or whole wheat bread. Nothing is more comforting than a bowl of rice and this dal! This post is on its way to JFI - Toor Dal hosted by Linda.

Tags: Beerakaya pappu, Peerkangai Pappu, Ridge Gourd and Toor Dal, Ridge gourd curry with lentils, Turia Dal


  1. Hi there,
    Was going thru the recipe, your 1st pic shows garlic, but what stage of cooking do we have to add it??
    Let me know, thanks for sharing the recipe.

    - Jayashree

  2. i,
    This recipelooks good. My hubby also doesnot like turai but now i make it with kala chana and now this will be new one in my addition.

  3. It is called peerkangai in tamil...I have never heard about the name Turai...

    ..have never made this with onions, tomatoes or garlic...will try this soon...

  4. Hi Jayashree,
    Yes sorry i missed to write about garlic( check it now ). here it is, just add the garlic after the tadka before or along with onions( just make sure not to burn them). Thanks for writing up though

  5. Vimmi - Same here my husbnad doesnt like Ridgegourd.. Would like to try with kala chana, but how will you do it?

  6. Hey me,
    Visited your site, liked the cartoon! Yes it is called turia in hindi and peerkangai in tamil,, my mistake! Hope you would like my sisters recipe

  7. Looks great...appears to be a must try dal

  8. I love Ridge Gourd but it's hard to get them here. Dal looks beautiful!:))

  9. Hi,
    Thanks for leaving your comments!

    Easycrafts you can even substitute toor dal with moong dal. hope you would like it

    Asha yes its very hard for me too to find this ridge gourd. So whenever i see them i buy in bulk and make stirfry, chutney and dal with them!

  10. I make spinach dal the same way, will try it with ridgegourd soon. Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Hi Kalva, I love ridge gourd and your curry looks really delicious! Thank you so much for sending your family recipe to JFI Toor Dal :)

  12. my all time fav....thanx for sharing. pics look gr8

  13. Glad that you guys Linda and Swaroopa liked it!

  14. Anonymous5:05 PM

    In the ingredients, you have added tomato but in the method u didnt used Tomato at all

  15. Sorry Smriti,
    Yes as you said i forgot mentioning to add tomato to the curyy.. Just updated it dear!

  16. Anonymous8:36 PM

    The recipe looked good so I tried.I am not too sure how the dal would cook without any water. After cooking per the recipe, the dal didn't cook well. So I added some water and let it whistle 1 more time.

  17. Sorry anonymous, my bad i havent mentioned to add water. Im so sorry. i corrected it now


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