Dates and Persimmon Cake -- AFAM Persimmon

The other day i was introduced to Persimmon fruit by Indira in her post Pecan Persimmon Cake and fallen in love instantly. To quench the Jihva to try it, i rushed to Fresh Farmers Market and bought some. Yes, the fresh fruits were resting there and i couldnt stop myself staring and taking them home. The bright orange color was so appetizing to the eyes and my journey cooking the persimmon started there.

I wanted to do something with Persimmon, and Indiras recipe came to my rescue, and i made this persimmon and dates cake tweaking her recipe a bit. I added Dates and Walnuts instead of Pecans, and everything else i blindly followed her recipe.

What you need:
  • 1 cup Pancake mix ( i used whole wheat pancake flour which doesn't require eggs)
  • 1 Small Persimmon fruit chopped
  • 1/3 cup Walnuts
  • 1/4 cup Dates
  • 1/4 cup Maple
  • ghee or butter 1/8 cup
  • a pinch of baking powder

How to:
  • In a mixing bowl whisk flour and baking powder
  • Add melted ghee(butter), maple syrup and mix in about 1/2 cup water
  • Toss the chopped up fruit, walnuts and dates
  • Grease cake pan and fill in the cake batter
  • Cook in the preheated oven at 350F for about 15-20 mins until the toothpick comes out clean.

This will be my entry for A Fruit of A Month (AFAM): Persimmon hosted by Trupthi.


  1. u really are tempting me :)

  2. I saw that post too at Indira's. Very clever of you to substitute Dates for Pecans. It looks really really good. Good work!

  3. This is so unique one. Good idea

  4. Yes Kribha, I couldnt resist teh temptation when i saw that post too, i went to farmers market that same weekend and brought them home. The fruit tasetd like ripened thotha pari( Chilaka mukku mamidi kaaya or neelalu in telugu )

  5. Thanks Rina for stopping by! Kudos to Indira of Mahanandi

  6. wonderful cake ...gud entry dear....

  7. It looks like a reall moist cake

  8. Hey! this looks really ncie...must have tasted great!! I have eaten Persimmon and loved it! but didn't it get a bit too sweet with dates, persimmon and the maple syrup together??

  9. Yes Happy Cook it was moist like Banana bread.

  10. Mansi it wasnt that sweet, since i have used everything in very less quantity , it was just right!

  11. Hi Kalva: I am glad that you tried and liked the cake recipe. Your version of persimmon cake looks absolutely delicious, and nice touch there with dates.

  12. Yes Indira, i followed your dream blindly., Using pancake flour is a great idea...because i used to wonder if they do anything with the pancake flour other than pancakes and waffles, and your recipe the cake was so moist and the best part very simple.. Thanks for stopping by...

  13. gamalan6:37 PM

    The recipe sounds good, but there is no mention of the baking powder or butter in the ingredient list. How much did everyone use?

  14. Very interesting recipe. Never tried persimmon in baking.


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