Kobbari Pachadi/ Coconut Chutney( Green Chutney/ Coriander Chutney )

I cant imagine any thing else as the best compliment to Indian breakfasts be it dosa, idli, vada, upma or pongal. None of these are complete without the mighty COCONUT CHUTNEY. I know many people prefer to have this chutney without fail along with these tiffins or breakfasts. And in that list my dad and my husband fight to stand first. I learnt the basic chutney from my mom and when my dad tasted my version he asked my mom to learn this chutney from me, hehehe( I was in seventh heaven then )! I can tell it loud, no one can beat my mom in making a horizon of chutneys. She does so many and the best part, in different colors! So we call by color like green chutney, white chutney, red chutney ,orange chutney etc even now. Hope one day i could make these rainbow of chutneys at a time just like mom . Love you MOM!

The lovely inseparable pair, Green And Red Chutney!

You need:
  • 10 1 inch chopped fresh coconut pieces or 1/2 cup scraped fresh/ thawed frozen coconut
  • 3-4 green chillies
  • 1/3 cup split chick peas(putnala pappu, thine chenaga pappu/pottu kaadalai )
  • 1/2 lemon sized tamarind soaked in warm water
  • 5 curry leaves
  • 1 cup chopped coriander
  • salt to taste
Getting ready..!

How to:
  • In a blender add coconut pieces and run it until its fine. You can omit this step if using scraped coconut
  • Optional: You can add 1/2 inch cube of peeled ginger at this point
  • Add split chick peas and green chillies and run until they are chopped into powder
  • Now add tamarind with the water ( Note: please remove the seeds from tamarind ) and run until it becomes fine paste
  • Add coriander, curry leaves. Blend it into fine paste
  • Adjust salt to taste
Ahh! My green chutney

Serve this chutney with tadka( optional ), i didnt add it since dear hubby likes it plain. It tastes good even without split chick peas.

Tags:Cilantro Chuntney, Coconut Chutney, Green Chutney, Kobbari Pachadi, Pappula Pachadi, Pottukaadalai Coconut Chutney, Thella Pachadi, Thine Chenaga Pappu Chutney

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    My mom makes the exact same way. Thanks for reminding my mom.


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